Twixt Here'nThere

A spasmodic, serendipitous, journal to show what's happening or not in England, Spain, Portugal and wherever else perchance to roam. Travel, languages, sailing, religion, sex and politics, living abroad, the Pacific Ocean including Easter Island. News from: 'Navasola', in the hills of Aracena at Fuenteheridos; Cabanas de Tavira in Portugal; the cool cool banks of the muddy Humber; and from Pedro (Coelho), Max (Happydays), Tigger, Georgina (my Georgi girl) and Theo and friends in the Great Wen.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Filling a form at the bank today, it occurred to me that today was my father's birthday. He would have been 93 today but died in 2001 aged 84. For Dad, '13' was his lucky number. Mum survived him by a year and died in 2002 a little short of her 87th birthday (in August). Mum's twin sister, Sheila, who was very close, had died in November 2000 aged 85. That year (2001-2) I think we had a dozen funerals in as many months.

At 63, I wonder if I have another 20 years or so left? I notice that Blogger seems at least in part to think I might still be editing in Hindi.

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